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What Is Considered a Dental Crown Emergency?

Dental Crown Help Near Me

Dental crowns are a common solution for protecting and restoring damaged teeth. Made from durable porcelain, these crowns can last many years if you practice proper care every day. This doesn’t mean emergencies can’t arise and complicate things, however. To ensure you’re calm when it matters, our Southgate, MI, dentists want you to know what constitutes a dental crown emergency. This way, you receive timely care, preserve your oral health, and avoid further complications.

Here are 5 examples that may mean you need a repair or even dental crown replacement

It’s Worth Asking for Help When There’s:

  • Crown Dislodgement

It’s always alarming when a dental crown becomes dislodged or completely falls off. This can occur due to a variety of reasons, including decay under a dental crown, trauma, or the weakening of the dental adhesive over time. When a crown falls off, it exposes the underlying tooth, making it vulnerable to damage, decay, and sensitivity. If this happens, it’s essential to contact our Southgate dental office immediately to have the crown re-cemented or swapped out.

  • Evidence of Cracks or Fractures

Although porcelain crowns are designed to be strong, they are not indestructible. Biting down on hard foods, grinding teeth at night, or experiencing a blow to the face can cause a crown to crack or fracture. A cracked crown can cause discomfort and compromise the integrity of the restoration, leading to potential damage to the underlying tooth. If you notice a crack or fracture in your crown, our dentists recommend giving our office a call so we can assess the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action.

  • Severe Pain or Discomfort

While some minor discomfort is expected after the dental crown procedure, severe or persistent pain is not normal and can indicate an underlying problem. This pain may be due to an ill-fitting crown, a crown that has shifted, or issues with the tooth beneath the crown, such as decay or an infection. If you experience significant pain, it’s a sign that you need to visit our dentists promptly. Addressing the issue early can prevent more serious complications and provide relief from discomfort.

  • Looseness

Dental crowns are designed to fit snugly over teeth. If your crown feels loose or wobbly, it may not be properly secured. This can happen if the cement holding the crown in place starts to wear away or if there is decay underneath the crown that has affected its stability. A loose crown should be treated as more urgent of an issue because it can easily fall off, exposing the unprotected tooth to damage and decay.

  • Damage to Surrounding Teeth or Gums

Occasionally, a dental crown can cause damage to the surrounding teeth or gums. This might occur if the crown is not properly aligned, causing it to rub against adjacent teeth or irritate the gum tissue. Symptoms include gum inflammation, bleeding, or discomfort in the surrounding teeth. Prompt attention from our dentists can address these issues and ensure that your crown fits comfortably and securely.

Immediate Steps You Can Take 

If you find yourself having a significant issue with one of your dental crowns, taking action as soon as possible can help mitigate the situation until you can be seen by our dentists. As with most other things in life, waiting has the potential to worsen the situation.

Give your smile the best chance by:

  • Saving the Crown: If your crown has fallen off, try to retrieve it and keep it in a safe place. Bring it with you to your dental appointment.
  • Protecting the Tooth: When a crown is out of place, it’s important to protect the exposed tooth by avoiding hard foods and using dental wax or temporary dental cement (available at pharmacies) to cover the area if needed.
  • Prioritizing Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can also provide temporary relief.
  • Seeking Professional Help: Call our dental office as soon as possible to explain the situation and schedule an appointment. Describe your symptoms and any actions you’ve taken up to this point so we’re aware.

Solve Your Dental Crown Woes

Understanding what’s urgent when it comes to dental crowns can make a significant difference in preserving your oral health and the longevity of your crown. If you experience any of the above, don’t hesitate to get a second opinion from our dentists in Southgate, MI. Acting swiftly can ensure that your smile remains healthy and functional. Call Northline Dental today at (734) 284-8088 to request an appointment.